Monday, 6 May 2013

Still Life - Light and shade

This is a 1 hour drawing of light and shadow using a 6B pencil. the focus of this drawing is to get the different shades of light and shadow, they is 2 different types of shadow which were cast on this drawing and you can see near the top that they is some form shadow which is less defined dark side on an object which is not facing the light source. These subtle shadows create an illusion of volume, mass and depth. But the dark bit at the bottom is a cast shadow which is made by the sheet blocking the light source, which is why it varies in different tone and value and looks lighter and softer and also less defined which becomes the edges. Also in this drawing you can see 2 different kinds of light, the very light areas which look like they have no shading at all are the highlighted light which is the lightest spot, or where the light hits the object exactly. Also the lightly shaded bit is the light middle tone which is basically where the light isn't hitting the object directly but its receiving some light value.  

(The minuscule white line in the middle is due to having to scan 2 sides of an A3 sheet in a A4 scanner)  

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